Ep 61: Reunion Show

When babies become roommates and have opinions! Not cool. And clingy, they can be very clingy. Also! Michelle is pregnant! Let’s discuss.

What is she having? We have some very telling clues that point to one sex over the other. Any guesses?

What does it feel like to spend a whole lot of time in an RV? Vicki is back from her cross country trip and has THINGS TO SAY about it. 
The good news, she’s still the same person! Netflix every night, please.

New travel changes shall be revealed!

Real life homeschool update.

K, cool, but can we talk about Madonna’s new ass? Who else is in for butt injections? Raise your hand.

How to survive with two toddlers? Do less. And maybe sit on the floor more. And remember, just survive, there’s light at the end of the tunnel, you’ve got this.

And look! a new travel name exists, to be found on the instagram and the interwebs: @braveandawaywww.braveandaway.com

Splurging on Patagonia sweatshirts and fanny packs
Marvelous Mrs. Maisel on Amazon Prime
Marie Kondo: Tidying Up show on Netflix 
John Mayer - forever and always, duh - but especially his show Current Mood, saved on his IGTV


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